
Monday 7 October 2013

Harm Cigarettes For Health

It seems we all already know that smoking is bad for health. Only problem for smokers, because it is addictive, it is not easy for them to convince yourself not to smoke.

For smokers, occasional smoking that became a benchmark for the impact they are disordered breathing. So if they do not cough and shortness of breath, they still continue to smoke.Though the side effects of smoking not only affects the respiratory tract. It seems they have to "give up" before quitting. Patients who develop cancer, including tongue cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer or pancreatic cancer will regret why they smoke after suffering from cancer. It feels bad effects of smoking on the story of someone we will always naturally occur in our family. Moreover, the day-to-day I met with patients, seeing firsthand the impact of smoking on one's health. If the disease caused by smoking is not too heavy patient usually only reduce a little cigarette and go back to smoking after healthy again. But if the impact of the hospital on heavy smokers usually they quit smoking completely. mild stroke or TIA also sometimes sour smoker not to smoke anymore. Smokers who experience hypersensitivity in the respiratory tract where if it starts to smoke, it will feel crowded, certainly would never try to smoke. A heart attack is also usually make a person give up smoking for no return. impact others that are not known by the smokers that cigarettes will cause a disruption in the digestive tract of a person. Those who smoke often feel fullness, early satiety and bloating. Smoking also causes stomach acids back up into the esophagus or reflux disease GERD trigger. Not to mention cigarettes can also damage the gums and teeth. they are generally no appetite because the stomach is full of gas was due to smoke inhalation.Conditions of chronic hypoxia on someone smokers can also trigger a decrease in appetite. Therefore we often hear someone smokers who quit smoking weight will go up because of increased appetite or to increase after stopping smoking. 

Saturday 28 September 2013

15 Diseases Due to Smoking

almost all  of the world, Cigarette and smoke are known to cause a variety of diseases, some of which even fairly deadly.Here it is 15 list of diseases caused by smoking.Generally no single organ in the body that is not affected by cigarette smoke, hence almost all parts of the body can be damaged by smoking. This is because in a single cigarette contains 4000 chemicals of which 40 of them, including toxins (toxic) or carcinogenic (can cause cancer). Below is a list of 15 diseases caused by smoking, as quoted from and Buzzle , Thursday (07/07/2011), namely: 
1.     Lung Cancers known about 90 percent of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. This is because cigarette smoke is inhaled will go into the lungs.Substances from cigarette smoke will stimulate cells in the lungs to grow abnormally. An estimated 1 in 10 smokers and 1 of 5 being heavy smokers will die of lung cancer.
2.     Bladder Cancer Bladder cancer occurs in about 40 percent of smokers. Study finds high levels of the compound 2-naphthylamine in cigarette into carcinogens that lead to bladder cancer. 
3.  Breast cancer Women who smoke are more at risk of developing breast cancer. The study showed women who started smoking at the age of 20 years and 5 years before she got pregnant the first time greater risk of developing breast cancer. 
4.     Cervical cancer Approximately 30 percent of deaths from cervical cancer are caused by smoking. This is because women who smoke are more susceptible to infection by a sexually transmitted virus. 
5.     Esophageal cancer study found that cigarette smoke damage the DNA of cells of the esophagus causing esophageal cancer. Approximately 80 percent of esophageal cancer cases has been linked to smoking.
6.     Gastrointestinal cancers Although cigarette smoke into the lungs, but there is some smoke that swallowed so increases the risk of gastrointestinal cancer (gastrointestinal). 
7.     Kidney Cancer When a person smokes, the smoke containing nicotine and tobacco going into the body. Nicotine along with other harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide and tar cause changes in heart rate, respiration and blood pressure circulation. Carcinogens are filtered out of the body through the kidneys also alter DNA and cell damage kidney cells. This change affects kidney function and lead to cancer.
8.     Oral cancer Tobacco is the leading cause of oral cancer. Known smoker 6 times more likely to develop oral cancer than people who do not smoke, and people who smoke tobacco smokeless risk 50-fold greater. 
9.     Throat cancer Secondhand smoke is inhaled before getting into the lungs will pass through the throat, hence this cancer will be associated with cigarettes.
10.  Heart attack nicotine in cigarette smoke causes the heart to work more quickly and increase blood pressure. While carbon monoxide take more oxygen in the blood that makes the heart pump more blood. If the heart is working too hard plus high blood pressure, it can cause a heart attack.
11.  Coronary heart disease (CHD) The majority of coronary heart disease caused by smoking and will deteriorate if you have other illnesses such as diabetes mellitus.
12.   Atherosclerosis Nicotine in cigarette smoke may accelerate arterial blockage can be caused by a buildup of fat. This will cause scarring and thickening of the arteries that lead to atherosclerosis. 
13.  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) This condition causes the blood flow blocked, making breathing difficult one, and about 80 percent of cases of COPD are caused by smoking. This condition can cause emphysema (shortness of breath caused by damage to the air sacs or alveoli) and chronic bronchitis (cough with lots of mucus that occurs continuously for 3 months). 
14.  Impotence For men in their 30s and 40s, smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction about 50 percent. This is because smoking can damage blood vessels, nicotine narrows the arteries that reduces blood flow to the penis and blood pressure. If someone is experiencing impotence, it could be an early warning that smoking is damaging other areas of the body. 
15.  Other medical disorders Some medical disorders can also be caused by smoking such as high blood pressure (hypertension), fertility problems, aggravate asthma and airway inflammation, higher risk of developing macular degeneration (gradual vision loss), cataract, became more sickly , causing stains on teeth dam gums, canker sores develop in the intestine and ruin the appearance. ( ver / ir ) 

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Stop smokingsolution _ : For addicts cigarettes may be very difficult to stop. But it is not impossible, someone with a severe addiction to cigarettes can be stopped through a variety of ways. As we know smoking is very harmful to the health of not only the offender but also for people around people who smoke. Even the impact can be even worse. Never too late to stop the bad habit  smoking. Here 10 ways or tips to stop smoking.    

  •  Give Distance Time

If you feel you can not stop smoking directly, this technique can be tried. Once you spend a cigarette smoking postpone for a second time and in the future. Maybe for the first day you can give the distance every 30 minutes, but the period is then added again, until you really feel comfortable to not smoke for a long time. Indeed, the  best  to quit smoking is stopped completely, but most of the smokers would fail due to various factors. Nothing wrong with you try to set it with a stop bit by bit, of course, be consistent with your records.
  • Avoid Triggers

Largely influenced by the desire to smoke triggers. trigger factors can come from many things, such as from environmental and social, psychological state, and a variety of other reasons. You try to recognize those drivers, and also try to avoid it. Sometimes we unknowingly have the habit of smoking in certain circumstances, try to identify the triggers that make you really want to smoke, and try to avoid it.
  • Do a physical activity or sport

Physical activity can distract you from tobacco addiction, and it will directly reduce your smoking intensity. Take your time to physical activity for a while. Do light exercise, such as jogging, sit ups, push ups, or just a relaxing walk. But can distract you from smoking addiction, physical activity is also very useful to improve your fitness, increase vitality and also allows you to remove the psychological stress, but it also can improve the quality of your rest time.
  • Find True Benefits Life without cigarettes

It is now easy to find articles about quit smoking, too easy for you to find information about the harm of smoking to your body. By reading various references and may share medical article describing the bad effects of smoking to health, you will find many reasons why you should stop smoking immediately. And with common sense is certainly easier for you to make the decision to quit smoking.
  • Chew or taste something

It is undeniable that raises tobacco taste sensation for the mouth of smokers, and the smoking sensation almost can not be replaced with other flavors.Taste chew or something, eg sweets or gula2, or light snacks, or other foods that you like. But keep in mind, this method should be done with caution, lest by eating a lot of candy or other foods make you exposed to other health problems.

  • Join the smoking cessation program

Today many programs that specifically address addiction problems, either on line via the Internet  or around your town. Usually these programs offer steps that have been drawn up by experts, so effective to follow. In addition, you can also learn from the experience of others, or a variety of experiences with fellow smokers who try to quit.
  • Nicotine replacement

There are many products on the market that claim to help you to quit smoking. There is a form of candy, medicine, plaster, injection, or other models of electronic cigarettes. From a variety of these products there are effective some are not affected at all or even detrimental. Most of the products still include nicotine to your body, but in a different way. Note also however nicotine remain harmful for your body, so do not make this a permanent way. Before selecting a product, try to find information about the product in advance, either from the Internet or from other people who have never used them. Make sure the product is also safe to use, if necessary, consult your doctor first.

  • Relaxation
Long time relaxation techniques can be used for health purposes, as well as to the problem of smoking. There are many kinds of relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualisation, hypnosis and massage. Choose the technique that suits you, which is easy to do and not be a burden. Relaxation itself is very beneficial for your body and your mind, so it does not hurt to try.

  •  Use it for anything else
Smokers who did not spend a little money to buy cigarettes every year.You can easily calculate, how much money have you spent to buy cigarettes every month or year. Divert funds to buy cigarettes for other purposes that are more useful. If you have a size able income, of course, not a problem to meet your other needs, but try to imagine, for some people, the money to buy a pack of cigarettes could be to buy a meal for them in one day.

  • Make it as a challenge
Agains yourself is the hardest thing to do. Make quitting smoking your big target, and make sure you do everything possible to achieve those targets. As we all know, smoking is one of the most difficult habits to be abandoned, as it involves all aspects of our lives, both physically and psychologically, and it certainly will be the lesson for you. With full confidence you will surely succeed to win the fight, and with your success to conquer yourself, you will have the confidence that better, and will easily pass through other life challenges, and will easily become a successful man.

All that will be achieved on the back of your own intentions and efforts to quit smoking. Good tips article on how to quit smoking above can be useful.